How to Perform Umrah - Hajar Travels

How To Perform Umrah?

Unlike Hajj, Umrah can be performed throughout the year. Umrah is a non-mandatory act that should be performed by Muslims once in a lifetime. Maximum pilgrims in the USA perform Umrah. it brings huge benefits for their mind and soul’s spirituality. Now, this holy ritual can be completed peacefully with the help of famous agents at Hajar Travels.

How To Perform Umrah?

Umrah is a deed to purify the soul and heart from past sins. This ritual is considered best to please Allah Almighty. But at the same time, it is vital to understand the Umrah rituals. Muslims should understand how to accomplish Umrah’s task. Let’s discuss Umrah’s features and rituals deeply that foundation of this holy Ibadah.

  • Focus On Physical Purity:

It is crucial to take care of personal hygiene before entering into Ihram garments. The pilgrims must clip nails and remove hair from private parts of the body. And then they need to take Ghusl (bath) according to Islamic rules. Men can apply to Attar but women are prohibited to apply any perfume. It should be done before the flight.

  • Ihram:

Ihram is a sacred state. The literal meaning of Ihram is to avoid all forbidden activities for a particular time. It is vital to wear Ihram before crossing Miqat.

Men and women are obliged to wear specific clothes. Men’s Ihram consists of two pieces of cloth. It is like a sheet that covers the upper and lower body of men. Men can’t cover their heels and ankles. And women are allowed to wear stitched clothes. But they should cover themselves properly. Women can’t cover their hands and faces. Before crossing the Miqat, it is essential to come into complete Ihram condition and remove extra clothing. However, Muslims should perform two Rakahs of Salah before coming into the Ihram condition. It is Sunnah’s deed. And then pilgrims make and dua Niyah of Salah. After Niyah, Muslims should start to recite Talbiyah.

  • Tawaf:

When Muslims enter the Haram, they are advised to lower their gaze until they reach the Mataf area. With humility and obedience, they can lift their eyes and have a mesmerizing sight of Kaaba. And then they should make Dua and utter specific words.

Circumambulation of Kaaba is known as Tawaf. It is an obligatory state in Umrah. Muslims are bound to perform seven anti-clockwise circumambulations around the Kaaba. After completing circumambulations of Kaaba, it is compulsory to perform two Rakahs of Salah.

  • Sa’y:

After Tawaf, Muslims were obliged to perform Sa’y and start to walk between the hills of Safa and Marwa. It is non-obligatory Sunnah but valid to complete Umrah. The pilgrims make 7 rounds around the hills. It is great that Muslims enjoy great health and have the energy to complete Sa’y peacefully.

  • Taqsir:

Taqsir is the final ritual. In this ritual, men should cut off their hair and women trim tiny pieces of hair. For men, it is crucial to shave heads and their Umrah is acknowledged. If you soon planning for Umrah, then grab the best Umrah packages at Hajar Travels.

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